
2017年3月26日—這時《Workflow》會跑出來,點「ShortenURLwithGoogle1」,之後就會開始運行程式,最後再選你要複製到剪貼簿還是分享,就大功告成了!,ios的系统局限性很强,所以不能自己在桌面上添加喜爱软件的快捷方式,于是跟随ios系统流行起来的urlscheme派上了用场。app的urlscheme是一段链接地址用于指向app的 ...,Ifyou'veevercustomizedyourappiconsorplayedaroundwithShortcuts(previouslycalledWorkflow),youprobably...

Workflow中文教學:一鍵產生goo.gl縮網址!iPhone Google ...

2017年3月26日 — 這時《Workflow》會跑出來,點「Shorten URL with Google 1」,之後就會開始運行程式,最後再選你要複製到剪貼簿還是分享,就大功告成了!

利用workflow添加url scheme到桌面图标

ios的系统局限性很强,所以不能自己在桌面上添加喜爱软件的快捷方式,于是跟随ios系统流行起来的url scheme派上了用场。 app的url scheme是一段链接地址用于指向app的 ...


If you've ever customized your app icons or played around with Shortcuts (previously called Workflow), you probably know how important URL scheme names are.

Complete List of iOS URL Schemes for Apple Settings ...

2021年8月18日 — Complete List of iOS URL Schemes for Apple Settings (Always-Updated). The most exhaustive list of iOS Settings schemes on the web.

How to Find and Use iOS URL Schemes for Shortcuts

2021年8月18日 — Schemes and URLs for iOS Apps. The lists below will hopefully help you build more advanced workflows in Shortcuts. They include all of the ...




shortcuts short url. Siri捷徑教學:一鍵快速產生四種短網址服務(、、tinyurl、 · iOS 捷徑, iOS教學, iPhone教學, Workflow / 2018-12-25 / 作者: 瘋 ...

Run a shortcut using a URL scheme on iPhone or iPad

URL schemes can be used anywhere a URL can be used—your own app, in a web browser, or in the command line. Run a shortcut from a URL. Open a URL with the ...

Request your first API in Shortcuts on iPhone or iPad

Perform the API request with the Get Contents of URL action · In the Shortcuts app on your iOS or iPadOS device, tap Show More in the Get Contents of URL action.

iOS URL Scheme's

2015年9月29日 — URL schemes are just like any web URL, except they point to an installed app rather than a webpage. Any of these can be placed into a URL action ...

FreeFileSync 13.5 檔案同步免費軟體

FreeFileSync 13.5 檔案同步免費軟體
